The Magic of Cleaning Your House

Cleaning. Tidying. Words that bring to mind work. More work on top of the work you do to pay the bills on your messy apartment. Chores that sap the few precious hours that you guard for yourself. Cooking. Sweeping. Dishes. Mopping. Laundering. Washing. Repairing. Words that come with accompanying expectations of cleanliness. “Cleanliness is next … Read more

Winter Solstice Prayer: Honoring Magic, Reality, and Rebirth

I hope you’re doing well, keeping safe, wearing a mask, and finding seasonal joy in the pockets in between. For me, this time of year, from around the Solstice through to the Epiphany has a feeling of sacredness. It’s the time-out-of-time where we can rest, dream, celebrate, and plant the seeds new dreams for this … Read more

Is Social Media Un-Spiritual?

I’ve been logging off my social medias for the weekend, every weekend, for the last 9 weeks. And if 9 weeks of taking weekends off social media has taught me anything it’s that taking social media breaks is not the life-changing panacea folks claim it is. I’m sure you’ve heard it before: “Get off your … Read more

Meditation + Neurodivergence: How to Meditate

Meditation is a foundational skill in developing a magical spiritual practice. Meditation helps you to clarify your intention which lends power to your spellwork. It can lead to trance states and heightened spiritual experiences. It can help you connect with spirits and your guides. And finally, it can help you find clarity about yourself, who … Read more

Meditation + Neurodivergence – What To Do When You Can’t Meditate

“Have you tried meditating?” How many times have you heard it? How many times have you rolled your eyes? Neurotypical folks just don’t get it. Our brain’s don’t work like that; we can’t “just” meditate. That’s just not gonna happen for a neurodivergent person. And yet, meditation is a vital spiritual and magical practice. It … Read more