The Magic of Cleaning Your House

Cleaning. Tidying. Words that bring to mind work. More work on top of the work you do to pay the bills on your messy apartment. Chores that sap the few precious hours that you guard for yourself. Cooking. Sweeping. Dishes. Mopping. Laundering. Washing. Repairing. Words that come with accompanying expectations of cleanliness. “Cleanliness is next … Read more

Changing, Growing, and Finding My Path in Business

A photo of a white, non-binary person looking at and reaching towards small spring flowers

Change can be scary. Change also means growth. And when things are changing I try to take my inspiration from the blossoms at the height of summer. When a flower blooms it changes. But do you think the flower ever questions it’s growth? Do you think the plant fears blossoming? To grow is to change. … Read more

Magic for Visibility – Letting Myself Be Seen in Leo Season

If you already read my post from the other day you already know: all my life I’ve been hiding. Maybe it’s a 12th house sun thing. Maybe it’s an ancestral thing. Maybe it’s a growing up queer and neurodivergent in a small town in the early 2000s. But whatever the reason, it’s time to stop … Read more

Dreams Are Not Enough: Magic and Action for the Spring Equinox

Spring has been springing and now it’s well under way. The river outside my window, as I write this, is free of ice, flowing, shimmering in the sunlight. And oh! The sunlight! It’s been so long since I’ve seen it shining out across the land. The ground is squishy. Just a few piles of snow … Read more

What’s gender got to do with magic?

Raise your hand if you’ve heard something like this: The moon is femme; The Empress is the Divine Feminine embodied; The Sun is an archetype of the Divine Masculine. Maybe you’ve even said something similar yourself. Well, consider this your invitation to question why exactly you do that and maybe cut that shit out. Masculine … Read more