Finding Your Path Through the Spiritual New Age Bullshit

There’s so much bullshit out there. Twin Flames hide abusive relationship dynamics and cultish thinking. The Secret and other money manifestation tools are a New Age cover for prosperity gospel. Appropriation of Native American traditions. Goddess spirituality that serves as a veil for old-fashioned gender roles with a heaping helping of transphobia. Dangerous cults. The … Read more

How To Do Ancestor Work When Your Ancestors Were Assholes

By this point in this Ancestor Work blog series, you’ve gotten a crash course in: why ancestor work provides a fundamental solution to feelings of disconnection, disempowerment, and disenchantment; how ancestor work can be a vital practice in achieving your magical goals; and how to ACTUALLY DO ancestor work the quick and easy way. Maybe … Read more

Spring is the Perfect Time to Connect with Your Ancestors

Autumn is the season of the ancestors, right? The autumn seems like the obvious choice for cultivating ancestor connection. Plants die; trees shed their leaves. The natural world dies back, retreats to the roots, enters a period of rest. It immediately puts us in mind of the dead. There’s just a vibe, right? Plus, so … Read more

The Story of My Underworld Journey

The Underworld is a secret hidden space of destruction and generation. It is caves, swamps, worms that wriggle in the deep and aerate the soil, mythical lands of the ancestors, dark nights of the soul, ego deaths. The Underworld is a place where souls rest, where deities rule, and a place where heroes journey. I’ve … Read more

How To Tell If You’re On An Underworld Journey

by Emily Prentice There is an underworld inside all of us. It’s in the foods we eat, in the stories we carry, in the cycles we honor, in the fluctuations we feel. Underworlds are a natural part of life. Think of seasons, soil, moon phases, mycelium networks! If we’re connected to the rest of our … Read more

What is an Underworld Journey?

The Underworld is the land of the dead. That’s true enough. But it’s also so much more. Think about the most basic physical manifestations of the Underworld: mushrooms. Mushrooms the fruiting body of a fungus that lives below the ground, deeply interconnected by mycelium. And these mycelial beings break down dead things. They serve an … Read more

7 Tarot Cards For Navigating the Underworld

I’ve got the Underworld and Underworld journeys on the brain. I recently shared a post on what exactly the Underworld is – check that out here! The Underworld is a space of potential and transformation. Primordial and timeless, it’s a place where the old decays, new seeds are planted in the compost, and new growth … Read more

The Magic of Cleaning Your House

Cleaning. Tidying. Words that bring to mind work. More work on top of the work you do to pay the bills on your messy apartment. Chores that sap the few precious hours that you guard for yourself. Cooking. Sweeping. Dishes. Mopping. Laundering. Washing. Repairing. Words that come with accompanying expectations of cleanliness. “Cleanliness is next … Read more

What is the Underworld in Witchcraft & Spirituality?

I’ve been thinking a lot about the underworld lately. Partly because I just ran a course on ancestor work that I called Underworld Journey, that was all about exploring and getting to know your own personal underworld. Partly because I’m working on a collaboration that’s all about underworld explorations! And it’s got me thinking: what … Read more

Changing, Growing, and Finding My Path in Business

A photo of a white, non-binary person looking at and reaching towards small spring flowers

Change can be scary. Change also means growth. And when things are changing I try to take my inspiration from the blossoms at the height of summer. When a flower blooms it changes. But do you think the flower ever questions it’s growth? Do you think the plant fears blossoming? To grow is to change. … Read more