Ancestor Work is Easy – 4 Steps to Building Community With Your Dead

Wow! We’re already to post number 3 in this ancestor work series. So far I have talked about how ancestor work helps enchant and heal the world and how ancestor work can help you create a deeply magical and personally authentic spiritual practice. Today I’m gonna talk about HOW to ACTUALLY DO ancestor work! FINALLY! … Read more

What is the Underworld in Witchcraft & Spirituality?

I’ve been thinking a lot about the underworld lately. Partly because I just ran a course on ancestor work that I called Underworld Journey, that was all about exploring and getting to know your own personal underworld. Partly because I’m working on a collaboration that’s all about underworld explorations! And it’s got me thinking: what … Read more

6 of Swords: Death Work in Service of Life

I gave a reading yesterday. And the reading was beautiful and amazing and so much healing came through for the client. Among the many cards I pulled, one of the central cards in the reading was the 6 of Swords. And I wasn’t at all surprised to see it there, but I was a little … Read more